This post will list ideas for Mythical Zoans not seen in the story yet. Keep in mind that this is just to start a discussion and it isn’t guaranteed that any of these ideas will make the cut. But before we start, we should mention all the Mythical Zoan fruits that already exist in the One Piece verse (canon only).

Current Mythical Zoans
- Tori-Tori no mi; Model, Pheonix: This is the first Mythical Zoan devil fruit to be introduced to the story and is currently being wielded by Marco. Marco can turn into a phoenix and fly but what’s more impressive is that the fruit has the power of phoenix flames that can heal wounds. The regeneration is so quick that Marco can get shot by bullets or pierced by spears in any place of his body and instantly regenerate it. On top of self-healing, the phoenix flames may be applied to other living targets in order to mend them.

- Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Buddha: This is the Mythical Zoan version of Chopper’s devil fruit. It is wielded by Sengoku. It allows Sengoku to transform into a golden statue in which he can use to launch palm thrusts that result in shockwaves. Little is known about this fruit and its full capabilities.

- Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune (Nine-Tailed Fox): This was showcased when Gecko Moria infiltrated Hachinosu in order to save Absolam from the BlackBeard pirates. It allows the user to fully transform into another person’s looks and even their clothes. It is currently being wielded by Catarina Devon, one of the Ten Titanic Captains.

- Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi: This fruit is currently being wielded by Orochi himself. It allows him to transform into an 8 headed snake/hydra. Orochi can control all 8 of his heads simultaneously. It is implied that the fruit grants its user the ability to survive decapitation. Despite having his head cut off by Kaido in his human form, Orochi was later seen alive, and no worse for wear. The exact reasoning behind this ability has yet to be fully explored.

- Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Onyudo: This Devil Fruit allows its user to transform into an onyudo, a large monk yokai, at will. It was eaten by Onimaru.

- Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami: This Devil Fruit grants the power to transform into a hybrid and full version of the Okuchi no Makami—a legendary wolf that, according to Kaido, is a “Guardian Deity of Wano Country”. Moreover, as with other fruits of the Mythical Zoan variety, this one blesses the user with at least one special ability: in particular, the user is enabled to produce cold and ice, which they can expel as blasts from their mouth or otherwise make appear from their body, and can even use such ability without transforming. This Devil Fruit was eaten by Yamato.

- Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu: This Mythical Zoan-type devil fruit enables the user to turn into a giant, serpentine, blue-scaled dragon—an Eastern dragon called “Azure Dragon”—and into a human-dragon hybrid. It was eaten by Kaido. Beside the transformation itself, the fruit grants multiple supernatural abilities, the most out of any Mythical Zoan seen so far. The most prominent of these is the power to conjure forth Flame Clouds, that can also be used to lift other objects, including entire islands, into the air and move them, for extended periods even and while using their other powers simultaneously. In addition, the user can create and control various elements as a dragon. He can release devastating blasts of fire from his mouth, can launch small lightning bolts while roaring and cutting blades of wind while blowing, as well as stir up potent, fast-rotating tornados.

- Gomu Gomu no Mi / Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika: This Devil Fruit allows the user to transform into the legendary “Sun God” Nika and gain his attributes, namely a body with the properties of rubber. Once the fruit is awakened, the user undergoes a drastic transformation. Their hair becomes fiery and white, their eyes become more manic-like, and they gain a strange wisp around their body. They also gain the ability to freely alter their physique however they desire, being able to inflate their muscles without the need to blow air into them. In addition, they can alter the environment around them in a similar way. This also extends to living beings, as Luffy can manipulate flesh as if it were rubbery.

Now that we have covered all 5 Mythical Zoan fruits currently present in the story, it is time to cover possible ideas for future Mythical Zoans!
10 Mythical Zoan Ideas
1. Fairy Fairy Fruit, Model: Druid: Allows the user to transform into a druid and harness the power of nature. This will allow the user to manipulate plants and animals. This devil fruit could be what Admiral Green Bull has but this is just speculation on my part.

2. Lion Lion Fruit, Model: Sphinx: This allows the user to transform into a Sphinx and be able to ask riddles to people. If the person answers incorrectly to the riddle, they are devoured whole. This is similar to Big Mom’s devil fruit in which there are requirements to harvest someone’s lifespan.

3. Bird Bird Fruit, Model: Siren: Allows the user to transform into a bird person and be able to hypnotize people. This is widely believed to be Lafitte’s devil fruit.

4. Human Human Fruit, Model: Thoth: Allows the user to transform into a human with a bird-like head. It will allow the user of the fruit to be omniscient and know both the past and the future.

5. Human Human Fruit, Model: Angel: Allows the user to transform into an angel and harness the power of holy light. It would be similar to Kizaru’s light devil fruit powers but might have special properties to it that the logia counterpart doesn’t have. a cool idea of an awakening of this fruit would be it transforming into an Archangel.

6. Bird Bird Fruit, Model: Thunderbird: Allows the user to transform into a thunderbird. It grants the user the ability to control thunder. This lightning could have special properties that the logia counterpart doesn’t have.

7. Deer Deer Fruit, Model: Qirin: Allows the user to transform into a Qilin, a mythological creature that derives from Chinese folklore and is similar in appearance to a Unicorn. It grants the user to coat its fish-scale body in flames, allows the user to breathe lightning as well as create nimbus clouds to walk on.

8. Human Human Fruit, Model: Susanoo: Allows the user to transform into the storm god, Susanoo. It grants the user the ability to create storms and control the weather. This could be what Gol D. Roger had as well as what Monkey D. Dragon’s fruit could be.

9. Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Pixiu: Allows the user to transform into a Pixiu, a half-dragon half-lion winged creature. Its body is made out of gold and is statue-like. It will grant the user the ability to control and create Gold, Silver, and Bronze to conjure weapons and anything else.

10. Snake Snake Fruit, Model: Leviathan: Allows the user to transform into Leviathan, the biblical sea-serpent. This will allow the user to manipulate water. Keep in mind that doesn’t mean that the user is able to swim in water or be able to use his powers in water. Although this is true, if the user does get submerged in water, he can still breathe through his gills just like Jack the Drought.

*List by FrostDesigns