5 – SABO

“Flame Emperor” Sabo is the Revolutionary Army’s chief of staff, recognized as the No. 2 of the entire organization and outranked only by Supreme Commander Monkey D. Dragon. He is also the sworn brother of the notorious pirates Monkey D. Luffy and the late Portgas D. Ace.
After the events of the Levely, Sabo is now known as the “Flame Emperor”, with his reputation having skyrocketed to the point that he is now considered a legend, with his influence said to be even greater than that of his boss Dragon.

Shanks is the youngest of the Yonko and his crew is the most well-balanced and impenetrable crew among the four Yonko crews!
Shanks is currently the most capable person who could find the One Piece. He’s a former member of the Roger Pirates and knows the truths about the Void Century, the meaning of D., and the Ancient Weapons, although he has not been at Laugh Tale.
One of Shanks’ greatest attributes is his leadership and charisma, having managed to earn the absolute trust and loyalty of the most talented and capable individuals from the four seas and Grand Line all noted for having particularly high bounties and recruited them into his crew.

Monkey D. Dragon, also known as the “Rebellious Dragon”, is the infamous Supreme Commander of the Revolutionary Army, as well as one of its founding members, and formerly the Captain of the Freedom Fighters. He used to be a member of the Marines, but became disillusioned with how they saw justice. This, as well as the fallout from the Ohara Incident, sparked his desire to attempt to overthrow the World Government and therefore he is labelled the “World’s Worst Criminal”.

Blackbeard is the new power that replaced Whitebeard and he’s still growing.
He has become the first and, so far, only known person to wield the powers of two Devil Fruits at the same time. Through unknown means, he acquired the extremely destructive powers of the Gura Gura no Mi from the dead body of Whitebeard and is now able to create earthquakes like his old captain.
Blackbeard is the one who carry the Will of Rocks D. Xebec, who was considered to be the most formidable rival of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger and such a danger for the World Government that his name has been erased from history. Xebec’s defeat was also what caused Garp to become a legend and to be known as the Hero of the Marines, showing how much of a threat he was considered by the World Government.
Shanks himself seems to know the potential danger Blackbeard represents is greater than that of anyone else.

“It’s not his powers or techniques. He possesses some quality that makes people want to help him. And on these waters, that is the most formidable power of all!” – Dracule Mihawk Recognizes Luffy’s True Power

Despite having a small number of members, the Straw Hats are a very powerful crew. Their captain Monkey D. Luffy Luffy officially became an Emperor after defeating one of the previous Emperors, Kaido, and his meteoric rise in status (in over two years) caused panic around the world.

Luffy was able to awaken the Gomu Gomu no Mi, originally known as Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika, for the first time since the Void Century. The fruit was a treasure sought by the World Government for over 800 years, until it was stolen by Shanks and his crew in recent history.
According to the Five Elders, the World Government had attempted to obtain the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika for 800 years and never succeeded. The Elders theorized that this might be due to the will of the fruit itself. At some point, the Government changed the name of the fruit to “Gomu Gomu no Mi” and reclassified it as a Paramecia in order to conceal its true nature. They consider that preventing the fruit from awakening might be worth incurring the wrath of Kaidou, one of the Four Emperors, suggesting that they greatly fear the fruit’s power.