6- Drake is one of twelve pirates referred to as the “Worst Generation” and prior to the two-year timeskip he had a bounty of 222,000,000 Berries.

7- He is the first person to be revealed to have eaten an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit, when it’s concept is first introduced.

8- The word drake is sometimes used synonymous to dragon, especially in middle english, what is related to X Drake devil fruit. Drake infact ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus (Ryū (竜?) is Japanese for “dragon”), an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit that gives Drake the ability to transform into an Allosaurus.

9- Drake is the only member of the Tobiroppo not named after a card game. He is also the only member not to have horns.
However, his epithet may refers to Red Flags, the “game of terrible dates”, a card game where the goal is to create the best date.

10– Drake has a revolution-theme. His birthday (October 24th) is a date of the beginning of the October Revolution according to the Julian calendar. His epithet may be a reference to a real-world red flag, an international symbol of socialism and communism.