- Enel is the only main antagonist who is neither a pirate nor affiliated with the World Government. At the time, Oda stated that if Enel were actually a wanted pirate, he might have a bounty that could possibly be as high as 500,000,000 Berries.

- Although he is Birkan, Enel lacks the Birkan wings and instead has his ring of drums in the same place they would normally be.

- Enel is the first major antagonist to use Haki. He’s able to use Kenbunshoku Haki, known as “Mantra” in the sky islands. His Haki is further enhanced by his Devil Fruit powers, making him virtually omniscient of the thoughts and actions of Skypiea.

- Enel’s name contains “-el”, the name for general gods or Almighty God meaning “might, strength, or power”.

- Enel is also the name of the main Italian electric company.

- The symbols seen on Enel’s drums are called tomoe and are very common in Japanese heraldry such as family emblems and corporate logos. The tomoe are also present on another One Piece character, Sentomaru.

- Enel’s belief that he is a god is also similar to the Celestial Dragons who see themselves as godlike.

- Monkey D. Luffy being Enel’s natural enemy (due to his Devil Fruit immunity to Enel’s Goro Goro no Mi) is highly appropriate, as the Family of D. is referred to as “God’s Natural Enemy” and Enel believes himself to be a God.

- According to Oda, if Enel was to take off his bandana, his hair would be styled in a perm.

- In the sixth Japanese Fan Poll, Enel ranked 43th.