
10 Things You Should Know About Kaido

  • Kaido is a black market customer of Donquixote Doflamingo. Caesar Clown produces and delivers large amounts of the substance SAD to Doflamingo, who uses it to manufacture artificial Devil Fruits called SMILES, which in turn are sold to Kaido to create his army of Artificial Zoan Devil Fruit users. Despite this, they do not seem to be on friendly terms, as Law asserted that Kaido would slaughter Doflamingo if he were to be rendered unable to supply Kaido with Zoan fruits anymore; Doflamingo himself displayed great fear at the thought of angering Kaido.
  • Kaido once had a rivalry with the former Shichibukai Gekko Moriah. The two of them fought in the New World, and eventually Kaido won after slaughtering Moriah’s entire crew. This had an adverse effect on Moriah’s perception of subordinates and led him to seek revenge against Kaido by building an army of undead soldiers.
  • As they were both Yonko, Kaido and Edward Newgate were not allies. Under normal circumstances, they did not provoke each other; however, Kaido saw the opportunity to engage his rival prior to the impending Battle of Marineford and did not hesitate to attempt to do so. Two years later, Kaido cursed Whitebeard for being able to die while he remained alive.
  • When Kaido tried to stop Whitebeard from going to Marineford, Shanks interfered and clashed with him in order to allow the other Yonko to rescue Ace. It is not known what happened during their encounter, but Shanks arrived at Marineford unharmed.
  • Kaido defeated Kid during their encounter at Kid’s base and threw him in a jail cell. Later, Kaido used Kid as an example when illustrating the difference in power between him and the Supernovas.
  • As with Charlotte Linlin, Kaido’s silhouette from Monkey D. Garp’s explanation greatly differs from when he made his first appearance. He was originally portrayed as having a wide face, a pointy beak-like nose, and a sinister grin when shown in the silhouette. However, Kaido’s final design featured some continuity with the original, as he retains a similar shaped nose and brow upon his reveal.
  • The episode of Kaido’s physical anime debut aired on the 1st of May, Kaido’s birthday. In the anime, the color palette of Kaido’s dragon scale tattoo is very similar to the coloration of Doflamingo and Caesar clown’s SMILE.
  • In Japanese culture, the type of rope Kaido wears as a belt, shimenawa, is used to denote that the area within it is important or sacred.
  • Kaido seems to be heavilly inspired by Oni of Japanese mythology. Common traits include horns, a massive stature, and use of a kanabō club as a primary weapon.
  • Kaido’s name may be based on the Japanese liquor, kaidou (海童).

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