#4 – Leshy
It’s time for the last devil fruit on the list it’s the Hito Hito no Mi Model: Leshy

Belive it or not, I really found a mythical being that is connected to the forest and with horns(bull), the Leshy is a deity from slavic mythology.
The Leshy (also Leshi; Russian: леший,literally, “[he] from the forest”, Polish: boruta, leszy) is a tutelary deity of the forests in Slavic mythology. The plural form in Russian is лешие, leshiye (retaining the stress on the first syllable). As the spirit rules over the forest and hunting, he may be related to the Slavic god Porewit.

The Leshy is masculine and humanoid in shape, is able to assume any likeness and can change in size and height.He is sometimes portrayed with horns (like a bull)and surrounded by packs of wolves and bears(Kuma?).In some accounts, Leshy is described as having a wife (Leshachikha, Leszachka, Lesovikha) and children (leshonki, leszonky). He is known by some to have a propensity to lead travelers astray and abduct children, (which he shares with Chort, the “Black One”) which would lead some to believe he is an evil entity. He is however also known to have a more neutral disposition towards humans, dependent on the attitudes and behaviours of an individual person, or local population, towards the forest.Some would therefore describe him as more of a temperamental being like a fairy.

Leshy is a laid back deity and a temperamental one. And he has the power of the forest.
And with the ability to photosynthesis, it would also make sense, why he survived three years without food.
Fujitora thanked Ryokugyū for the food, perhaps a hint about his devil fruit?

*Theory by izaya10