1-Many have speculated that Luffy, Law, and Kid will take down Kaido together to represent the Worst Generation taking over the new era against the Yonko, as well as to make for up for the belief that Luffy may not be strong enough to defeat Kaido alone

2-Others insist that Luffy needs to beat Kaido on his own to cement him as a fully-fledged Yonko-level pirate. Then comes the “If it’s one-on-one, Kaido will win” line, it would be interesting to have someone (Luffy) defeat Kaido in a one-on-one to put an end to that reputation

3-Some say that Zoro needs a moment to slash Kaido with Enma to showcase his strength compared to Oden

4-Still, others suggest that Momonosuke and the Scabbards should fight him given how Momonosuke was disrespected by Kaido in chapter 973, as well as some parallels to the Momotaro legend.

While I don’t necessarily agree with all of these claims, I do believe that many of them make sense AND could exist together. So how could Oda include all of these elements?