By having multiple people fight Kaido and giving Luffy the final fight.

If you’ve seen One Piece: Stampede movie, this would be similar to how first, the Supernovas all fought Bullet, then we had the dream team of Smoker, Hancock, Sabo, Law, and Buggy fight, leading up to Luffy fighting him in the end, with a massive King Kong Gun.

I imagine it would play out similarly with longer, more developed fights for each round.

So I’m thinking something along the lines of:
- Round 1: Luffy, Law, Kid vs. Kaido
- Round 2: The Nine Scabbars support Luffy against Kaido
- Round 3: Straw Hats vs Kaido (Here, Zoro can potentially slash Kaido)
- Round 4 (FINAL FIGHT): Luffy vs. Kaido

Again, not all of these have to occur and maybe not in this order, but the concept would allow many of the key players to take a jab at the big boss, while still giving Luffy the chance to defeat Kaido alone in the end.
*by GomuGomuNoKaio-ken