1-Marco the Phoenix is the former 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. He was Whitebeard’s closest confidante and his right-hand man.

2-Initially in the anime, Marco was given a generic crew member look of a black haired man with pale skin and different clothes.When he later became more formally recognized in the story, his appearance was changed to what is depicted in the manga, along with his light purple jacket, his black pants and his dark red tattoo. Later, starting with Opening 13 “One Day”, he was given another color scheme. Once again his jacket was recolored in a much brighter purple, his pants were made dark blue, his tattoo blue and his skin a little brighter.

3-As a kid, Marco’s signature tuft of hair was more curly. He sported a vertically striped shirt, with black pants, and no shoes.

4-Marco is the first person to be revealed to have eaten a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, when its concept is first introduced.

5-Recently Oda revealed the name of his devil fruit in the Vivre Card Databook – Vol 4. Marco ate the Tori Tori No Mi, Model: Phoenix (Bird Bird Fruit), a mythical zoan. With his “flames of resurrection” he can quickly regenerate his wounds as well as those of others. When applied to him, it seems to imply that his regeneration has no limit.

6-Marco is confirmed Armament and Observation Haki User (if he has Conqueror’s Haki or not isn’t specified in the recent Vivre Card Databook).

7-After the Payback War, he vouched to protect Whitebeard’s homeland, Sphinx, as he knew it was his treasure. Marco works here as a doctor.

8-In the 6th fan poll, Marco ranked as the 21th most popular character in the series, making him the second most popular member of the Whitebeard Pirates behind Ace.