Wano Arc could be the last arc of the Yonko Saga but so far, it seems like only Kaido and Big Mom will be involved in the Wano conflict, including Luffy’s crew and his allies.

Blackbeard seems content with just observing events unfold and having fun, so it is unlikely he will come to Wano.

Shanks could come as a surprise near the end of the arc, but it would be a rehearse of the end of Marineford, so also unlikely. But we’ve seen during the Reverie that Shanks had a discussion with the Five Elders concerning the dangers of a “certain pirate”…

Assuming it is indeed Blackbeard, Shanks probably intends to declare war on Blackbeard. Adding the fact that Im was shown just after cutting Blackbeard and Luffy’s posters, Shanks could even have Marines helping him.

I just hope if it happens that we’ll see at least a bit of this battle, and not just another being told it happens in the background. Your thoughts?
*Theory by Aracn