What do we know about Admiral Ryokugyu “Green Bull”?

– Green Bull is called a “beast” by Doflamingo in terms of “power”. We at this point know that Fujitora has the “gravity” devil fruit Zushi Zushi no Mi. There is no mystery surrounding him about his ability but we don’t know about Green Bull, who is explicitly mentioned by Doflamingo. This leads me to think that him being a “beast” is related to Green Bull’s devil fruit, which is a form of “power” in the world of One Piece.

– He is a laid back guy, who sun baths outside and doesn’t listen to orders if it brings him discomfort

– Green Bull knows Vegapunk and calls him “old”, age is something that he thinks is relevant to mention
– His hair is long and looks very healthy, Green Bull has also a very generous smile
– He is fasting and doesn’t require food as others do
– The most important thing is that he wants a babe to “feed” him, which means in his hierarchy women are more important than even his comfort
Green Bull’s devil fruit

It is the mythical zoan “Cernunnos“. Don’t worry, this isn’t some random assumption but read for yourself.

Source: https://www.learnreligions.com/cernunnos-wild-god-of-the-forest-2561959
Green Bull can become a “beast” that looks like a bull because of his “power”. He is a laid back guy who does things that are comfortable to him. His hair(shaggy long hair), horns(Green Bull) and personality(chill love maker) in particular are very unique to One Piece. Cernunnos is the god of vegetation and doesn’t require to eat food, he is a life giver and not taker. He is sunbathing because that is what Cernunnos does and as the god of fertility he is interested in doing the deed. Green Bull can probably control his own vigor/age because his devil fruit is sorta “life itself” and therefore he notices “age” as a weakness in others.
You might know about another person, who’s family is inspired by Cernunnos, its old Bobby B./Robert Baratheon.

The house of Baratheon is based on the celtic god “Cernunnos” and they have a stag as their sigil. Their personalities and will are very similar. All the traits that Green Bull has shown are present in Robert’s behavior. His fertility and fighting is the most important thing to him and his will is unbreakable. When he doesn’t get what he wants his rage can take out a dynasty. Once someone will deny Green Bull what he wants the raging beast will be shown and we understand why his nickname is so fitting.
*Theory by Donal D. Trump