Soru Soru no Mi that belonged to Carmel who mysteriously disappeared, but confirmed to be dead. Power obtained by Charlotte Linlin through unknown means. At the end of her fight against Kid and Law, Big Mom fell into Wano’s magma chamber and was later joined by the defeated Kaido. As a result, an underwater volcano erupted from where Onigashima had previously sat, with both Emperors, presumably, getting caught up in the explosion. We still don’t know if the two Emperors are actually dead.

Mane Mane no Mi that belonged to Kurozumi Higurashi who was killed by Kaido. Fruit eventually obtained by Bentham.

Bari Bari no Mi that belonged to Kurozumi Semimaru who died through unknown reason. Fruit eventually obtained by Bartolomeo.

Ope Ope no Mi originally belonged to unnamed doctor who died through unknown reason. Fruit eventually obtained by Diez Barrels, stolen by Donquixote Rosinante, and force fed to Trafalgar Law.

Toki Toki no Mi that belonged to Kozuki Toki who was killed during the destruction of Oden Castle. We still don’t know who ate the fruit after Toki’s death.

Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolot was eaten by Smiley but with its death, the fruit has returned into circulation. After Smiley died due to a candy it consumed, the Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolotl is seen being reformed in a nearby apple.