#6 – X Drake

X Drake is the Captain of the Marine Secret Special Unit SWORD, and the captain of the Drake Pirates, who defected from his position as rear admiral to go undercover as a pirate. Prior to the two-year timeskip he had a bounty of 222,000,000 Berries.
X Drake possesses the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into an allosaurus hybrid and a full allosaurus at will.
The major strength of Drake’s fruit is that it allows him to turn into an allosaurus, a large and powerful predator from the prehistoric era. This makes this fruit well-suited for combat purposes, since carnivorous Zoans are said to be fiercer fighters than non-carnivorous ones. While in full allosaurus form, he acquires a strong biting ability that can even damage the heavy armor of the aforementioned Pacifistas, which are said to be stronger than steel.
Drake has also shown that he is capable of using Busoshoku Haki when he easily defeated Caribou, a Logia user.
#5 – Urouge

Urouge, also known as Mad Monk is a pirate from a sky island and is the captain of the Fallen Monk Pirates. Prior to the two-year timeskip he had a bounty of 108,000,000 Berries. Urouge was strong enough to defeat one of Big Mom’s Four Sweet Commanders, who are second only to her in strength and authority amongst the elite pirate crew, although he was later defeated by another one of her Commanders, Charlotte Cracker. However despite his defeat, Urouge managed to survive and retreat. Urouge ate a Devil Fruit that allows him to convert damage inflicted onto him into strength, to the point of increasing his muscle and body size. Using this ability he was able to exceed a Pacifista’s body size and actually damage its body with punches, although he was still vulnerable to their lasers.