#4 – Trafalgar D. Water Law

Trafalgar Law is the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. After he was expelled from the Shichibukai, Law’s bounty was raised to 500,000,000 Berries. Law is the user of a Devil Fruit called the Ope Ope no Mi, which allows him to create a spherical territory of light blue aura. In this territory, he is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside (including himself), referred to as that he can “operate” on anything within the spherical “operating room”. Easily among the most versatile Devil Fruits around, with his powers, Law is capable of causing mass havoc within the area he controls. Law appears to have mastered his power to such a great extent, that he can even cut through someone who completely imbued their body in Busoshoku Haki.
Ope Ope no Mi has been called the “Ultimate Devil Fruit”. Infact it has the unique power to grant another person eternal youth in exchange for the current user’s life.
Law has shown great proficiency in Busoshoku Haki. He also possesses Kenbunshoku Haki.