#3 – Eustass Kid

Eustass Kid is the captain of the Kid Pirates. Sometime during the timeskip, his bounty was raised from 315,000,000 to 470,000,000 Berries. He possesses a Devil Fruit power connected to magnetism. This manifests in two different abilities, both depicting repulsion and attraction of metals within his vicinity to be used as weapons. The first allows him to repel metallic objects away from himself, such as reflecting a Marine cannonball back towards its shooter. The second ability allows him to draw metallic objects towards him and form them into objects, his most frequent use of this being to form a giant arm made of hundreds of metallic weapons and objects and connecting it to his right hand. When forming this metallic arm, he can use it to punch his opponents, or as a makeshift shield to block even a Pacifista’s laser beams. It is unknown if the firearms connected to his metal arm can fire at his will or not.
According to Kaido, Kid possesses Haoshoku Haki just like Luffy.