The way King and Queen have been portrayed since the raid has started is downright disappointing and embarrassing. We’re nearing the ending of Act 3 it seems and they’ve done absolutely NOTHING. Seeing what happened to the two of them getting restrained by Marco in Chapter 1000 proves my case.

Queen has been starting to get very annoying with the games that he is playing around in the hall. On top of that how does he not know Marco’s devil fruit ability and he’s a Commander of an Emperor? Sure you can apply that to Big Mom and Prometheus bring surprised over Marco’s Flames of Resurrection damaging Prometheus but his regeneration ability should be a known fact amongst the Commanders of the Yonko.

King is literally doing nothing so far which is crazy considering the fact that technically he should be Kaido’s right hand man and the hype and expectations he has. But he’s not taking care of business at all. When it was with Katakuri at Whole Cake or Marco at Marineford the both of them were pretty much playing point guard and making sure all major threats were handled or busy.

Jack has better portrayal than the other two by a lot in my opinion. When Kaido went to the roof he immediately went up there to join him, faced the entire Mink Army along with some Headliners and won before being defeated by Nekomamushi and Inuarashi even though he was exhausted from his earlier fight. When shit was going down in Okobore Town, Jack was the one who pulled up not King or Queen.

There’s still a lot more of Wano left but King and Queen really need to step it up. The Tobiroppo have more attention and importance right now than the Calamities and that’s a shame considering they’ve been hyped up since Zou.