
Artificial Intelligence imagines Marines in Real Life


Artificial Intelligence imagines Marines in Real Life

The Marines are the seaborne military forces of the World Government, tasked with maritime law enforcement and naval warfare operations. They maintain a presence on all of the world’s known seas, through countless branch offices; however, the vast majority of their forces are focused on the Grand Line, in which resides their base of operations, Marine Headquarters. Collectively, they stand as one of the Three Great Powers, alongside the Four Emperors and the Seven Warlords of the Sea, who were later replaced by the SSG.


The duty of the Marines is to maintain a law and order throughout the world and impose the will and might of the World Government. The main purpose of the Marines is bringing any criminal to justice, with a particular focus on capturing pirates. They use justice as their constituted policy to manage a world that is made almost entirely of ocean much easier. They are generally divided between those who support Absolute Justice and those who support (generally more lax) personal justices, with the former being the code of conduct for the Marines as a central doctrine.

Higher ranking Marines are noticeably stronger than lower ranked ones; the admirals in particular are known as the World Government’s Ultimate Powerhouses.
Only Rear Admirals and above allowed to be in the presence of the Five Elders. Should a Five Elder use their transformation ability, commodores and Marines of lower rank are not allowed to look at them. The punishment for defying such an order is death.


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