Bartolomeo’s Barrier Capacity According to Oda
The Bari Bari no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to generate barriers for defending with or striking with at will, turning the user into a Barrier Human.

The barriers boast immense defensive power, able to block even an officer of the Donquixote Pirates such as Dellinger, who was unable to even scratch the barrier despite having a kick that can move ten tons. It also successfully defended against Hakuba’s attacks. Even the King Punch of Elizabello II, which could destroy an entire fortress, had no effect. Kurozumi Semimaru demonstrated that the barrier can also withstand an extremely powerful slash from Kozuki Oden, whose swordsmanship could cut the gigantic Mountain God in half and even damage the near-invincible Kaidou.

In an SBS Eiichiro Oda revealed its Barrier Capacity.
Question: “Oda-san, hello~. About Bartolomeo, he said something about how his barriers have a limit or whatever, so how many Bari-Bari’s worth is its maximum capacity?” P.N. Hoichael Jackson

Oda: “Great question. There is in fact a limit to the space his barriers can cover, as well as how many barriers he can put up at a time. He can only hold up one barrier at a time, and they say that this one barrier can cover up to 50 thousand Bari-Bari’s!! Amazing!

1 Bari-Bari equates to roughly 100x that of 1 Bori-Bari-Bari, so in other words, his barrier capacity is just about 500 Pickle-Pori-Pori-Bari-Bari’s.”

(Translator’s Note: Bari, Bori, and Pori are all Japanese sound effects that roughly translate to ‘crunching’.)