I really liked the short scene with Big Mom, Perospero and Marco outside Onigashima. Big Mom assuages Perospero’s concerns about allying with Kaido when she subtly hints at her intent to betray Kaido.

Which really shouldn’t come as a surprise. Big Mom and Kaido’s motivating desires for finding One Piece are completely different. Kaido wants to start a global war and Big Mom dreams of an idyllic utopian state where all races of the world live in harmony…. under her tyrannical thumb.

Those ambitions were never compatible, so it has always seemed like a matter of when not if this alliance falls apart.

Perospero presses the issue by saying he and the rest of her children want to make her Pirate King, which, she acknowledges and tells him to trust her, implying Big Mom is fully aware of the incompatibility of her and Kaido’s ideals.
*Theory by StrawHatJedi