I love that Chopper is leading Big Mom straight to Udon; it’s probably my favorite plot line at the moment, and that’s saying something because there are tons.

As of right now, Queen will most likely arrive at the prison, see the ruckus Luffy is causing, and attempt to torture/break his spirit.

That’s when Big Mom and Chopper arrive. I see this going down in one of three ways:

1-Big Mom breaks into the prison and clashes with Queen, interrupting their moment with Luffy. Chopper grabs Luffy and escapes with Hyougoro, leaving Queen to deal with Big Mom.

2-The above happens and the rioting prisoners end up subduing Queen long enough for Luffy, Chopper, Hyougoro, and Big Mom to escape. Luffy, seeing that Big Mom essentially has the personally of a child, decides to “play fight” with Big Mom as a means to get stronger, since she won’t be out to kill him.

3-The long forgotten prisoner is a member of the Rocks Pirates and recognizes Big Mom.

This causes Big Mom to have a flashback to her younger years and she regains her memories that way.

Or she doesn’t – depends on how long Oda wants to extend this Big Mom plot. Either way, chaos ensues.
*Theory by Therrester