This is a dissection of the Yomi Yomi no Mi. The point of this dissection is to theorize a possible awakening, or power up for Brooks DF.
I believe that upon awakening Brook will unlock the “Master Exploder” technique or more accurately a Devil Fruit implosion technique…
The Yomi Yomi no Mi is different than all other shown DF on OP. It’s the only known DF that has a timing restraint. Meaning after eating it, it only made the user experience DF weaknesses, but didn’t grant the user any powers until they died.
Upon dying the user is reborn in a FREE moving spirit form. Untill it finds its original body (or another host presumably). The tragedy of Brook was he lost his original body and by the time he found it, it was just bones. Hence the sentient skeleton.
Aside from the skeletal body, the DF has granted brook other abilities such as, musical soul manipulation or hypnosis. Access to sword abilities that create cold as a byproduct of the underworld. And a soul form for recon.

The soul form and original stipulation of the DF will be the basis of this awakening speculation…
When Brook currently uses his soul form, he is always shown being tethered to his corporeal body.

It’s my belief that upon awakening or mastering this technique, he will be able to break this tether, and exist entirety In a soul form. Just like after Brook died and he was held in spirit form till he found his body (or any host assuambly)
I also believe that Brook will gain the ability to posses other people, creature, or objects. By forcing his soul into the object or person. Like he did on his body…
So how does this technique grant a power up, or make him the “Master Exploder”?
Well it’s simple. Unlike most popular assumption that DF abilities reside in the heart of the user. (BB ate WB heart, BM consumed Carmel’s heart or body whole) umm.. Brook has no heart.. So that theory kinda debunked…
And when his soul leaves his bones, the body drops lifeless. Meaning Brooks ability, personality, and DF are all stored in his soul. (presumably the same with all DF users)
This gives us two big power up potential for Brook;
1. The Devils implosion- if Brook was able to sever the tether to his body, and posses other people or object like he did the first time he died. And the fact that Brooks DF resides in his soul (as do all). If Brook forced his soul into a current DF user, like Doffy for arguments sake… Regaurdles of the victims power, Doffy’s body would explode because no person can have two fruits inside their body.
Brook woukd just reform in his logia esq soul body, and go back to his bones after.
2. Devils body and mind- because Brooks soul (DF container woukd no longer be attached to his body) it would be a fair assessment to view Brooks body, or bones as more of a vehicle or weapon, and not a part of Brooks DF… If this was the case, Brook’s bones could have a zoan of other DF put into them like Funkfreed or Alpacacino. And this shouldn’t conflict the rule of two, and give Brook access too some really cool techniques… On the downside he wouldn’t nessicarily be in control of the body anymore. Theoretically Brook could have DF implanted into each bone individually, or like just his hands and feet to house 3-4 DF… Think of it as taking Brooks arm off, inserting a DF then we attaching it.
What do you think?
*Theory by Portgas D. Xatch