Right now there are some theories about Sanji having/developing Conqueror’s Haki. There are typically two responses to this theories upon initially reading this. “That’s insane” and “Yeah, I can see that”. To those who’s response was the former, allow me to show you why it’s more likely that you think.

Now, the first thing to support this theory is the cover of Volume 100. The title of this volume is “Haoshoku”, or in English “Color of the Supreme King”. Pictured on this cover are Ace, Luffy, Yamato, Zoro and Sanji. Something you may notice about the first 4 characters listed here is that they are Conqueror’s Haki users (though Zoro is yet to be an officially confirmed user).

Now, one thing to note about all initial usages of Conqueror’s Haki is that the user doesn’t notice that they are using it. This can be seen with Ace, Luffy, and Zoro.
Luffy unknowingly using Conqueror’s Haki to rescue Ace

Zoro unknowningly using Conqueror’s Haki to injure Kaido

Ace unknowingly using Conqueror’s Haki to save Luffy

Now, with all of this in mind, how does the latest chapter support Sanji using Conqueror’s Haki?
First of all, Sanji is stated as being “alone in the room” with the woman when she went unconscious.

As such, there is no way for the women to confirm if she was really beaten unconscious as they claim. In addition to this, when he remembers what happens to the woman, he is shown with a serious expression on his face, and the next thing he knew, she was on the floor.

Let’s remember that in their initial usages of Conqueror’s Haki, it is shown to be used unconsciously (as in, without volition).
Now, some might use the fact that she was bleeding as evidence that he did not use Conqueror’s Haki, however the woman did not show any other signs of injury that are typically shown in One Piece (welts over eyes/swollen eyes, visible spots on her face in general). These were always present when someone was beaten by Sanji’s brothers (Cosette, Sanji himself).

It’s entirely possible she hit her head on something as she fell that cut her head, explaining her bleeding.
Anyways, what do you guys think? I’m curious to see your opinions on this.