I’m not a huge fan of Kid, but people who say he’s useless for getting one tapped are wack. He and Law are rivals to Luffy Pre Gear 5. Big Mom and Kaido are ridiculously powerful and aren’t any less impressive than Shanks because of this. The thing that separates Shanks from the other two is the fact he was willing to get the job done, and didn’t play any games.

Kaido beat and could have killed Luffy multiple times, AND he had the ability to dodge multiple high level attacks with future sight. He chose not to because he wanted a good fight. Hell his recklessness on top of the fact he was literally carrying Onigashima for most of the fight adds to this. Kaido even chose to take Luffy’s final attack head on. In a One on One with both of them absolutely fresh Kaido would win, even more so if he actually took things seriously. That just isn’t Kaido though. He wants a good fight even if it kills him.

Big Mom was getting pretty banged up, but she was still pushing through everything. Even with both of their awakenings going hard on her she was still keeping up. She lost because of the bomb and lava that may or may not be molten seastone. Law and Kid’s teamwork and strategy managed to get them that win. If that bomb was not there, she would have found her way back up and decimated them. They won because of brains. Not power.

Hell a hypothetical Shanks fight would have actually been similar to Kaido and Big Mom’s where he would still be undeniably stronger, but he would be relatively chill. Kid probably would have actually gotten some good hits in too. Kid got one tapped because he severely pissed off Shanks at the start with his background check, and the fact that he was going to kill Shanks’ homies. Imagine if Luffy or Law pissed off Kaido or Big Mom to the point where they pulled out their strongest attacks immediately. Maser Cannon/Mother Misery. Awakening/Giant Dragon Avatar. They would have lost just like Kid.

Hell Kid also had to take the full force of his own devastating attack backfiring on him on top of Shanks’ Divine Departure.
People are acting like Kid lost to fodder. He lost to a pissed off Yonko. Kid doesn’t suck, neither does Kaido, or Big Mom in comparison to Shanks. We have to take their character, personalities, and context into account.
*by KTE1994