
Chapter 1086 adds some much needed depth to what is by far the shallowest group of characters in the series


With people like Garling executing genuinely good and innocent Celestial Dragons, it really puts into perspective why these people rarely change their ways and why they’re so awful to common folk. Try living like a decent human and commoners will pursue and end you. Try to stick up for what is right and you get put to death. Act like a complete scumbag and you thrive. It’s the only option of lifestyle that this civilization has.


When you really think about the trial, Mjosgard didn’t get sentenced to death for assaulting one of his own. He got sentenced for defending a Fishman. If priorities are that twisted and racially motivated, it’s no wonder why so many Celestials are brought up the way they are. They simply don’t know better.

Doflamingo didn’t know any better. This is why he’s still good to his family. He doesn’t aspire to be an asshole, he just is. He was brainwashed to value the wrong things. Yet, through it all, he still found people he genuinely loved.
I’m not trying to justify the actions of the World Nobles, but this insight definitely makes me sympathize with them and their behavior.


If the Celestial Dragons are going to be so important for the end game, I absolutely welcome any information we can get about the propaganda and conditioning that molds them into what they are.

*by strudel-doodles

Nefertari D. Lily helped Joy Boy to create One Piece

That’s how Figarland Garling became the Supreme Commander of the God’s Knights