Chapter 1095 finally introduces Luffy’s mom
The mystery surrounding Monkey D. Luffy’s mother in “One Piece” has been a topic of great speculation and discussion among fans of the series for many years. Eiichiro Oda, the creator of “One Piece,” has purposefully kept details about Luffy’s mother shrouded in secrecy, leading to numerous theories and speculations.

What if Chapter 1095 had finally shown us Luffy’s mother? In this chapter we are introduced to a new person we’ve never seen before, that seems to have a connection to Kuma and Ivankov. The thing is, is we have not seen her before within the Revolutionary Army. It’s also oddly suspicious, that for her introduction, she is shown casually chopping down on a piece of meat, despite being in a pretty shitty situation. If this girl, who seems to be a slave alongside Ivankov and Kuma as a teenager, within the God Valley incident, then it would stand to reason that she would also help found, and become a Commander of the Revolutionary Army, which she isn’t one.

So this begs the question, as to what happened to this girl? Now we know practically next to nothing about Dragon’s past, but we do know that something happened that would become the catalyst to him forming the Revolutionary Army. Now at the time of the God Valley incident, Dragon would have been 17 years old, so it is possible that he could have been a Marine at the time. What if he was a Marine, and was also present at God Valley, and this is where he met Kuma and Ivankov? Well it stands to reason, that he would have also met this Slave Jinny as well.

So what if Dragon was on God Valley, and met all three of them, and him and Jinny fell in love? Years go by with Dragon married to Jinny, and one day the World Government finds out that she was a former slave? She’s either then taken back to Mary Geoise where she ends up dying, or is executed on the spot. That would be the catalyst that would push Dragon over the edge, and cause him to former the Revolutionary Army.

I know it’s not much to go on, but everything does fit pretty perfectly to setup Dragon’s decent in wanting to overthrow the Government if his wife, who was a former slave, ends up being killed by the Celestial Dragons because of it.
*Theory by Celestial D. Dragon