I was re-reading One Piece and i was at chapter 594, just after Luffy ring the Ox Bell.

There were a lot of panels where we could see everyone reacting to Luffy’s action, but the one that intrigued me was when Eustass Kid and Killer were talking about the purpose of his action.

It’s “Lloyd” instead of “Royce”.
Killer said that the Ox Bell was a sacred bell which was situated upon a famous battleship from the “ancient times” named the “Ox Lloyd”.
The use of the term “ancient times” is what make me intrigued. What if the battleship “Ox Lloyd” was used during the war of the Void Century by the Twenty Kings Alliance and at the end of the war, they decided to ring the bell sixteen time to announce a new Era and finally leave it to the Navy after their creation.

You will probably say that Killer shouldn’t be aware of it if this was the case, but they are a lot of legends from the past that are known by people like Noland or Oars plus Killer seems to be very intelligent and cultivated.

*Theory by capumain28