
Chapter 995 reveals Trafalgar Law’s Ultimate Goal


Law’s motive in Dressrosa was to avenge Rocinante’s death by bringing Kaido’s wrath down on Doflamingo. He really didn’t care if he died in the process. In a sense, he recruited Luffy with a false pretense as he never really expected to live to face Kaido on Wano.


Now that he survived, he’s seeing though the commitment he made to Luffy to take down Kaido, but after learning about the Road Poneglyphs on Zou, it seems he has renewed interested in discovering One Piece for himself and learning the history of the D. Clan, which Law refers to as a cursed legacy.

What remains unclear is exactly how Law intends to decipher the Road Poneglyphs. On Zou, the idea that Robin’s ability to read the Poneglyphs may make her a target, which lends to the idea someone with nefarious purpose like Blackbeard will try to abduct her and force her to lead the way to Laugh Tale.


But what if Law abducts Robin? I don’t think it’s very likely, but it’s an interesting notion to consider. Personally, I don’t love the idea that Robin would be targeted again after the CP9 saga. It was nice to see Law say he trusts Robin enough to tell her his full name. Robin is the most level headed member of the Straw Hats so it makes sense Law would consider her the one with whom he could confide his secret.


The location of the Road Poneglyph on Wano remains a mystery. In chapter 934, Brook said he found a Poneglyph in an odd room below Orochi’s castle in the flower capital, but that it too was not of the Road Poneglyph variety. Robin assumes that the Road Poneglyph must be on Onigashima, but this chapter we find out the one in the basement of Kaido’s castle is also not the one she’s looking for. I can’t say the exact reason why, but I feel like it’s a strong possibility the Road Poneglyph is located atop Fujiyama.

It would be an incredibly difficult place for most people to reach given the steep slope of the mountain, but easily accessible for Kaido in dragon form.

*Theory by StrawHatJedi

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