Haki is a mysterious power that is found in every living being in the world. However, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it.

In simple terms, Haki is an ability to sense spiritual energy (Kenbunshoku Haki/Observation Haki), use life force (Busoshoku Haki/Armament Haki) and overpower enemies (Haoshoku/Conqueror’s Haki).
There are very few people who can use all 3 types of Haki. Let’s have a look at them:

Chinjao is one of the very small number of people who can use all three types of Haki.
He is highly proficient in Busoshoku Haki, which he uses to harden his fist to augment the force of his punch and clash evenly with Luffy. The clash of their Haki enhanced strikes resulted in the air itself crackling. He prominently uses it to harden his head in order to split open the Jewel Ice Sheet.
Chinjao has also shown the ability to use Haoshoku Haki when he knocked out many of the competitors in Block C without laying a finger on them, an impressive feat considering that most of the participants in the Corrida Colosseum are strong fighters.
Chinjao also possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.

Doflamingo used Haoshoku Haki to knock out the majority of G-5 soldiers at Punk Hazard. His Haoshoku Haki first awakened when he was around ten years old, when being pursued again by North Blue citizens who tried to continuously torture his family in revenge, knocking them all out, thus saving him.
Doflamingo has significantly high skill in Busoshoku Haki. His Busoshoku Haki is strong enough to counter Law’s spatial slicing powers, though it still not strong enough to defend against the sharpness of Law’s sword as he cut his hand slightly after grasping the blade.
Doflamingo also possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.

Boa Hancock possesses Haoshoku Haki, which she can use to knock out a weak-willed people with a massive burst. Her exact level of mastery has yet to be demonstrated.
She is highly skilled in Busoshoku Haki which she can combined with her kicks to bypass a Logia’s intangible defenses as she kicked away Smoker, a physically powerful Marine with sufficient force to release his stranglehold on Luffy, whom Smoker pinned to the ground.
Hancock possesses also the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.

Katakuri has extraordinary mastery of Kenbunshoku Haki, having trained to such a degree that he can see slightly ahead into the future.
He is also an extremely powerful Busoshoku Haki user, as shown when he imbued his mochi leg with it in order to bludgeon and injure Luffy. When his Haki is compressed and focused when performing his Zan Giri Mochi attack, Katakuri’s Haki becomes flame-shaped like Big Mom’s Haki and Luffy’s Haki when he uses Gear Fourth and the luster of it is light blue.
Katakuri is also able to use Haoshoku Haki, as shown when he released a large burst along with Luffy’s own Haoshoku Haki in order to knock out Charlotte Flampe and her subordinates as punishment for their interruption.

Luffy is able to use Haoshoku Haki, a type of Haki possessed only by one in a million people. Luffy used this ability several times in the series, as it was the type of Haki that manifested the earliest. Before training under Rayleigh, Luffy displayed limited to no control over this ability, and did not seem to realize he had it, but used it on instinct whenever it seemed to be most needed, and could still use it even when extremely injured. This Haki has become Luffy’s specialty.
Luffy first instinctively used Kenbunshoku Haki during the war at Marineford. After pushing his Kenbunshoku Haki to its peak during his fight against Katakuri, Luffy gained the ability to see into the future to a limited extent. He can now see the future as fluidly as Katakuri, as shown when he helped Hyogoro dodge multiple attacks from Alpacaman and Madilloman before they happened.
Luffy has gained an extremely high mastery of Busoshoku Haki. In Wano, he has advanced his Busoshoku Haki, allowing him to project it from his palm as well as progress even further by destroying objects he touches from the inside.

Sengoku was the Fleet Admiral of the Marines before the timeskip, succeeding Kong and preceding Akainu.
He was also one of the major figures along with Whitebeard, Shiki, and Monkey D. Garp during the times when Gol D. Roger was still alive, and still continues to be in the present, even after his retirement from the Marines.
Sengoku is one of a very small number of people who can use all three types of Haki: Kenbunshoku Haki, Busoshoku Haki, and Haoshoku Haki.
#4 – BIG MOM

Big Mom was first seen using Haoshoku Haki at Sanji and Pudding’s wedding to knock a man out for questioning her relationship with Mother Carmel. When her portrait of Carmel was destroyed, a distraught Big Mom unleashed her Haki, which, along with her loud screams, incapacitated most of the party guests.
Big Mom has vast mastery of Busoshoku Haki. By hardening her arm, she easily blocked Luffy’s Gear Fourth Kong Gun with just one arm, a tremendous feat as Luffy’s Kong Gun is powerful enough to break through powerful Haki based defenses of highly skilled Busoshoku Haki users such as Doflamingo, Cracker, and Katakuri. Like Luffy’s Gear Fourth, her Busoshoku sports flame marks at its ending.
She also possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.

Whitebeard was known as “The Strongest Man in the World” and “The Man closest to One Piece” after Gol D. Roger’s death. He was one of the few people to have mastered all three kinds of Haki.
With his Kenbunshoku Haki, Whitebeard foresaw all of Portgas D. Ace’s attempts to kill him, even while asleep. In the bay of Marineford, he predicted Crocodile’s sudden attack but did not move, knowing that Monkey D. Luffy would block it. However, due to his age and worsening health, he failed to predict Squard’s betrayal and thus got injured, something which, according to Marco, was totally unexpected from the Yonko.
Whitebeard has immense mastery of Busoshoku Haki, which he used to negate the intangibility of Logia-based Devil Fruits. In the past, he was able to defeat Crocodile and to beat Ace more than one hundred times. During the Marineford War, Whitebeard successfully inflicted significant damage on Akainu where Marco, Vista, and Jinbe, who were highly skilled Busoshoku Haki users, failed to do so.
He also possessed Haoshoku Haki, though he was never seen using it. During the Marineford War, he was on the verge of using it against some of the World Government’s executioners to protect Portgas D. Ace, but failed because of a sudden illness attack.

Rayleigh is shown to possess great mastery of Haki, and made use of all three types while teaching Luffy about them, and training him in the basics.
Rayleigh has mastered Haoshoku Haki to the extent that he can render a specific target completely unconscious. He is able to do this without adversely affecting anybody else near the initial target. He disabled an entire hall room of hostiles with this power, save for the Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates.
Rayleigh has an extremely high level of skill in Busoshoku Haki, allowing him to effectively bypass the powers of a Devil Fruit user and touching the “substantial body” beneath whatever protection the fruit provides as seen when he used Busoshoku Haki to kick and redirect an attack from Admiral Kizaru. Rayleigh can utilize an advanced application of Busoshoku which enables him to emit his Haki a short distance without a medium. He is also able to use a high-grade version of this technique, where Rayleigh can channel his Haki into his opponent, letting him destroy them from the inside out, which he first used to destroy Camie’s collar.
Rayleigh is highly proficient in Kenbunshoku Haki, able to sense the emotions and nature of others. He could also use it to sense the strength of others on a wide scale. The incredible mastery Rayleigh has over this kind of Haki is also shown by the fact that he can sense people all over the island he is currently on while most people can sense only in their immediate vicinity.

Shanks has mastered to full extent all three types of Haki. Even Whitebeard complimented Shanks for his Haki when he used it on his visit.
Shanks showed great mastery over Haoshoku Haki on board the Whitebeard’s ship. A large number of Whitebeard’s crew (experienced men who have survived in the New World) lapsed into unconsciousness and the ship itself began to take physical damage from Shanks’ mere presence. Whitebeard’s men attributed this to his superior Haki.
Shanks has great mastery over Busoshoku Haki, as shown during the Battle of Marineford, with his Haki infused sword he easily block Akainu’s magma enhanced punch that is powerful enough to burn the strongest enemies such as Ace, Jinbe, and even the Yonko Whitebeard.
Shanks also has full mastery over Kenbunshoku Haki, though he was never seen using it.