Weevil’s mother, Miss Buckin, is distraught that her son lost to Green Bull and got captured. She seems to be blaming Marco for that.

Caesar and Judge forge an alliance! Neo Mads is now a thing, will they go after Queen to grow bigger?

After her abduction by CP-0, Vivi escaped and joined (along with Wapol) the World Economics Journal, Morgans HQ. This unexpected party leaves me speechless. Will he reveal the truth about the empty throne?

And our beloved Enel ruling on the moon. May he come back on earth one day

Kaido & Big Mom have been thrown away with the volcanic eruption at the end of Wano. Are they dead? Why Big Mom crew was seen around wano after the end of the fight?

IV. The Egghead incident
Heading now to the current arc, which seem to be insanely huge. Marines, CP-0, Pirates, is this the so called battle royale Oda teased years ago?
Something really big is around the corner. Something HUGE.

Look at all the forces already at Egghead. Seraphims. Pacifistas. Gorosei member. Admiral. It it’s crazy.

The Kuma plot line is yet to be unfolded. His flashback may be the key to everything.

Caribou is also on the island. This man is pretty harmless, but he knows the whereabouts of 2 out of 3 Ancient Weapons.

Anyways, I think I captured everything. Please share your views on the future of One Piece, giving the number of actors at play!
*by Tibolegends