In the latest chapter Denjiro is revealed to be both “Kyoshiro” and “Ushimitsu Kozo”, the mysterious thief in Wano Country who steals money from the rich and gives it to the poor.

This is just incredible. Although Denjiro=Kyoshiro was a popular option, Oda was able to come up with a story of the transformation that no one even remotely thought about: he changed his face out of anger.

How amazing is that?
You can clearly see the hate and wrath in his eyes after he leaves the shrine. His rage over the years must be overwhelming because of the role he had to play. He truly is a tragic character. Lost his idol, his friends and had to serve a coward.

This transformation ties into a part of Japanese folklore.
In Japanese folklore if a person is consumed by great anger, rage or grief his soul will manifest into a Ikiryō a type of demon which will haunt and seek revenge.

So Denjiro became so enraged that his soul metaphorically manifested to seek out punishment, and Kyoshiro is the manifestation. Denjiro still exists but he has been consumed by the rage in his soul.

Lastly, I like the parallel between Orochi’s story and Denjiro. Orochi got his family killed and dishonored. He then lied about his identity and got around the Kozuki. He played the good guy whild doing evil stuff in the dark. At the end, he was handed the power.

Denjiro got his “family” killed and dishonored. Out of anger, he changed his name and lied his way into the castle. He played the bad guy while doing good in the dark. As of now, Orochi entrusted the castle to him while he went to Kaido’s party. Denjiro could be the one to kill Orochi.