
Does the last chapter suggest a twist about Marco?


For this to work we need a couple of other points however. First a reason for Perospero to betray Big Mom and ally himself with the Blackbeard Pirates.

We actually might have gotten a small hint towards this when Big Mom fell off the ship after King knocked it down the Waterfall.


The second would be how Devon managed to transform into Marco, how her DF works. We got two possible hints towards this:
The first could have something to do with corpses?

It might be similar to Bon Chan’s ability in that she needs to touch the person she wants to change into. She mentioned to Moria that she still had Absalom’s corpse even after his ability was taken by Shiryu.

The only other possibility I found was that small panel where Nekomamushi trew the message of Marco into the sea because it was not longer needed.


This message was unnecessary since Marco showed up around the same time as the Straw Hats. So why did Oda add it into the story and show Nekomamushi trowing it away? If I’m not reading too far into this it could have been something that Devon needs to change into Marco, for example anything that somebody has touched like clothes or bottles or in this case a piece of paper.

Again, this might all be nothing that will be disproved in the next chapters but there are some things that are mentioned about the Big Mom Pirates in Wano that don’t really add up.

It all started with the Big Mom Pirates coming to Wano to hunt down the Straw Hats. They travelled up the waterfall but were knocked away by King. Big Mom fell into the water and was later found by Chopper where she had the whole amnesia thing until Udon, where she was transported to Kaido and someway they teamed up. That’s all good but what about her crew?

Well after Big Mom was knocked away they later learned about the alliance with Kaido, and still deciding on going after Luffy they travelled up the waterfall a second time.


Again they were knocked off, but this time by Marco who mentioned something about the next time they showed up the times would have moved on.

However the next panels we get are a bit weird. First we have Queen saying that there are special quests in the house, Big Mom’s children

And next we get Big Mom saying that she has been in touched and the ship is fine and they’ll be arriving soon.

Perospero however didn’t seem to be on the ship, and instead was heading to Onigashima on a candy sea thingy.

Which brings me back to my first point. What exactly is happening at the front gate with Marco and Perospero?

Am I reading too much into this and is it just Marco either having teamed up with Perospero or is chasing him into Onigashima.

Or, could I be right about my suspicions and was Marco actually taken out by the Devon/Shyriu/Moria trio who work now under Blackbeard and teamed up with Perospero. (I doubt Oda would kill off Marco offscreen so lets instead say Moria is delaying him at sea(because we don’t see him), while Devon transformed into Marco and together with Perospero and an invisble Shiryu is now at the front gate).

What do you think?

*Theory by Don FrankyG

Sanji Vs Admiral Ryokugyu Foreshadowing

Something about Haki we have learned in the last chapter