During chapter 971, the execution of Kozuki Oden and the Nine Red Scabbards (all sentenced to be boiled alive) begins with Oden entering the boiling pot of oil.

The fact that all Nine Red Scabbards are going to enter the boiling pot on their own seems to indicate that there is no traitor among them.

Shinobu telling the citizens what was the real reason behind Oden’s dancing leads me to believe she is definitely not the traitor either. She was so sincere about describing Orochi’s true nature at Oden’s execution. There’s no way she would betray Oden or the Nine Red Scabbards after this.

So we have 2 possibilities:
1-The traitor was one of the Nine Red Scabbards. The only possible suspect would then be Kanjuro who could have created a drawn-clone of himself.

2-There has never been a traitor among the Nine Red Scabbards. Like Kaido said, it was someone else spying at Oden’s Castle.

Should we still consider Kanjuro as the main suspect? What do you think?