
Eustass Kid is Shanks’ Son – Theory


I just had a random thought and it led me to wonder if Oda has been trolling us with Eustass Kid. Let’s see how he looks in One Piece.

Pre Timeskip: He has spikes of red hair and wears an overcoat


Post Timeskip: He has spikes of RED hair but now he has a scar on his LEFT eye and has lost his LEFT hand. Though it has been replaced with a mechanical arm.


So did you guys guess Kid’s similarity with any other One Piece character?
Yes, Shanks has RED hair, scar on LEFT eye and he has lost his LEFT hand as well.


Kid’s height is 6’8 1/2 and Shanks is 6’6 1/2. So their height is pretty much similar. Kid is 23 years old after time skip and Shanks is 39 years old after time skip. So there is a gap of 16 years in their age. By any chance, is it possible that Kid is the son of Shanks?


That would also explain why Kid has Conqueror’s Haki as well. Otherwise what is the point of Oda giving Conqueror’s Haki to Kid. We all know that Luffy is going to become the Pirate King.
Now, we also know that Kid had invited Apoo and Basil Hawkins about an alliance to take down Shanks.

So it was his plan to take down Shanks. Is it the reason that Kid hates Shanks so much that he wants to kill him? It is possible that the hatred developed after Shanks left to sail in the Grand Line. And Kid started hating pirates and Shanks in particular. That is why we also see Kid executing pirates in the manga.

If Shanks knows about Kid’s imprisonment, this could be the reason on why Shanks went to meet Gorosei to tell them that he is going to attack Kaido and Marines should not interfere in the upcoming battle. This could be another reason for Shanks to come to Wano. Earlier I was thinking that he would come to Wano to save Luffy from Blackbeard.

I think Oda has been trolling the fans with such related characters of Kid and Shanks. They are most likely related. What do you think?

*Theory by Ashim Goyal

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