Lots of us think about chapter 1007 and are expecting next chapters to illuminate. I thought a lot too and I was tired after listen to all theories. I hope you have enough energy to hear another one. First of all, I didn’t like most of the theories because some of them doesn’t have any motive, and some of them brings out new problems.

I picked another way and I decided not to use any of the certain knowledge (like Devon, Kanjuro, Onimaru, Mane Mane no Mi) and I used some blurry parts of Time Fruit. So I build my theory on these questions below and their speculative answers. So, you will hear at least 3 speculations that I used them to fill some blanks.

NOTE BEFORE READING: I made a theory on Toki’s devil fruit because something unrelevant with devil fruit was disturbing my mind way before ch.1007. We all know that, a group of pirate will open the Wano after 20 years. If this is a prophecy, a prophecy must come true in the future. This is the nature of a prophecy. Oden must have know he couldn’t kill Kaido. Because prophecy didn’t say otherwise. And if a prophecy say two things on one thing, it wouldn’t be a prophecy. It might be just a simple prediction.

OK. Let’s begin. But please don’t refute my theory so fast. 🙂
What is Toki Toki no Mi? What do we know about it?
INFO NO.1. It’s owner is Amatsuki Toki.
INFO NO.2. It’s time fruit that it’s users can travel in time.

INFO NO.3. Travelling in time has just one direction. Toki can’t go to the past or send people to the past.
INFO NO.X. Both Toki and strangers can travel. (I added it after I finished the theory so I wrote “INFO X, Y” because I didn’t want to change the script.)
INFO NO.Y. She can send a large number of people to the future.
OK. Another question: Is that all we know about Time Fruit?
Answer: No. We can add at least two infos.
INFO NO.4. When Toki travels in time, she can’t go anywhere she wants. If this were the case, Toki would not have asked anyone to take her to Wano.

OK, another question then: Where will she be after travels?
Answer: We didn’t see Toki used her power on herself. But we saw Kinemon, Raizo, Kiku, Momo and Kanjuro.
Before Travel

After Travel

What’s the answer now?
You can go to the future but you can’t change any of your location. You will probably fall from the sky to your previous location.

OK then, let’s write it:
INFO NO.5. You will be at the same point after time travelling.
OK, we know more now, but it isn’t enough.
Let’s come to the blurry and FUN parts of Toki’s fruit. But I want to summarize the blurry points first:
1. We still don’t know how Toki’s fruit works. For example, did she touch Momonosuke to send her to the future? Or is her ability like Law’s devil fruit? Does she open a room or something? Does she have a range or something? In a summary, what is happening when Toki uses her ability?
2. We still don’t know what happens after fruit uses.
My speculation for the first:
Toki’s ability has a range. I don’t know its boundaries but she don’t need to touch the people who she want to send to the future.
Why? Look at these panels again. Look at Momo’s location. In the first panel, Momo with his mother, but after time travelling, she is with Kiku, behind the other scabbards.
Momonosuke is with Toki

Momonosuke is Behind

What is my speculation then?
Momonosuke didn’t want to leave her mother (In anime he declared that). And he ran away from her but running away was useless. Momonosuke and Kiku were affected by the power of ability even if they weren’t so close to Toki-sama.
When we think that with INFO NO.5, we can say Toki’s ability has a range right? Because the person who sent to the future will be in the same position (ofc might be another thing).
If this the case, after Oden disappered in the cauldron, we can say Toki sent him to the future. What is the problem in this theory? Oden and Toki were different places. Toki was in the Oden Castle with Yasuie and Oden executed in Flower Capital. If Toki has a limitless range, she can send her husband easily just before his last moments. But this isn’t a strong theory. It’s possible if she has a limitless range but it doesn’t explain why Oden has no scar. Especially his bullet scar on his head.

Let’s make it more strong with the brand new speculation:
I said we still don’t know what happens after Toki uses her ability.
We have to jump on Kuma’s ability first.
Most of us think that Toki’s and Kuma’s ability are similar. But there is a big question. Kuma sends people to different places, Toki can’t. Toki send their victims to the future. Are the place and the time the same? I don’t think so. Kuma’s ability is more like teleportation.

Let me make it more clear:
( ) This parantheses represent 1920
[ ] And these represent 2020.
And let’s pick Luffy as a victim/passanger.
If Kuma’s ability and Toki’s ability are similar, this will be happen:
First Case: (Luffy) [ ]
Toki’s uses her ability to send him to the future…
Last Case: ( ) [Luffy]
So Luffy in the past disappered and Luffy in the future appeared.
But what if Toki’s fruit works differently? We’ve already said the time and the place might be different in OP Universe like our universe. Then here is my other speculation on this subject:
When Toki uses her ability, this may happen:
First Case: (Luffy) [ ]
Toki’s uses her ability to send him to the future…
Last Case: (Luffy) [Real Luffy]
Let me repeat why I build this theory. I’ve made this speculation because we didn’t see anything what happens after Toki uses her ability. We know Toki used his devil fruit power two times. First one was just an attempt because Oden interrupted it:

Second one: Toki used her ability to send people to the future in Oden Castle. It happened, devil fruit was used, but Oda preferred not to show what happened in the castle.
What kind of things can this speculation explain after 1007?

– Oden is real Oden.
– He didn’t get old.
– He doesn’t have a scar because he didn’t get killed or boiled.
– Fake Oden can endure 1 hours of punishment and he was able to save Scabbards lives.
So, what happened exactly back then?
Toki and Oden met in the prison and talked. Oden said:
That’s my wife!

Toki send him to the future, after that, fake Oden (you can say spiritless Oden, or empty Oden, body Oden) stayed. But she sent Oden first and fake Oden saved Akazaya. Toki didn’t send them with Oden because Kaido already implied about “there is a spy on your team”. And Akazaya didn’t know what they were gonna do. Probably Akazaya and Oden was prisoned in different places. And we know Oden said them what’s his purpose on Wano while he was carrying them in boiling oil. Akazaya learnt something at that point!

According to another scenario, the person who cut Kaido were already fake Oden. Look at this panel:

Toki is a little bit too much relax, isn’t she?
But I prefer the first one: The scenario that Toki sends his husband to the future in the prison because prison theory can inhibit swords problem too.
What happened after the execution? 9 Scabbards ran away and seperated.
-Cat and Dog ended up in Zou.
-Denjiro became someone else.
-Kawamatsu got caught.
-Ashura became an alcoholic.

4 Scabbards decided to save Toki, Hiyori and Momonosuke. Toki knew that they will come to probe Oden Castle. Why did she wait in the burning castle? Because after devil fruit uses, fake bodies still remains and Toki need to terminate them. Oden’s fake body already terminated by Kaido. And the others burnt in the castle. And Toki killed in Bakura Town, in front of her people.
Do you know why this theory is strong at some point? Because after Toki send 4 Scabbards to the future, she was able to run away from the Castle. But the castle was very good place to clear the most evidences.