
Exploring the potential of Toki’s Time Travel Devil Fruit


And why this can be so weak? Because if the bodies increases you can increase the strongest samurais number right? But if you make anoher speculation, for example “two bodies of the same person can’t be together at the same time,” it will not be problem (another blurry point, Toki may be use her sword to kill herself? Seppuku? Why? Because her body will be dead in this way. So, she can do little jumps in time.)

In the next panel, they are standing on their ashes:


And may be this panel is a clue?

Sorry Orochi. But you may find some ash.


Question 1: Why didn’t fake Scabbards run away from the fire?

Because Toki killed them after time travelling. Maybe something happened with fire and they burnt.

Question 2: Did she kill Momonosuke too? Her own son?

This is a very tough point. I will make some speculation on that too but it will be at the end of the theory.

Question 3: Why Oden wasn’t surprised a lot to see Akazaya?

Because he didn’t see them for a short period of time. It might last shorter than Luffy & Zoro sees each other in Wano. But it didn’t same for Akazaya.


Question 4: Why do we need to kill fake bodies?

Actually we don’t have to. But our plan is pointing 20 years later and this short period of time is the real problem. When we back to see panels that Toki uses her power, we saw she was in a danger. But it doesn’t change things if you step up 100 years on time. Your fake bodies will be dead normally or will be killed. But 20 years later is short. Real and fake bodies can see each other and it would be another problem. At this point we need another speculation but I will not do that right now. (Please look to the end of page. I will really fly at that point.)


Most of people don’t think it is a problem but I thought a lot on this:

Toki can use her ability on herself.

Toki can use her ability on STRANGERS (I don’t know its mechanic but she can.)

So why Toki didn’t send their enemies to the future?


Answer 1 – Morality reason: Kaido and Orochi are bad guys. They will be a problem at the future and Toki didn’t want that. (In this point we have to think Kuma’s fruit and Toki’s fruit are similar.) But maybe she can’t send everyone, but if she can do it easily, People of Wano can prepare for war for example in 10 years, right? After Kaido and the other guys apeear in their previous location, it would be a huge army and more powerful group in front of Kaido and others when they appear.

Answer 2 – Mechanic reason: We don’t know how it is work. Maybe she really has to touch the bodies. But if so It would be so weird that she didn’t do any attempt.

Answer 3 – According to my speculation, Toki’s fruit increases the numbers of bodies. So fake Kaido is still problem for present. This isn’t a solution.

Another Question:

What did Toki do after leave the Oden Castle?

Answer 1: She didn’t leave the Oden Castle. The person who left the Castle was fake Toki (But Toki sent herself a different time, not exact time with Scabbards.)

Answer 2: She wanted to go to the future in a different location. (INFO 4&5) Then she picked Bakura Town and said her last words and got killed.

Answer 3: She made a tactic. Kaido’s men followed her and they didn’t see anything inside the castle. If they were able to see, it would have been a huge problem. Why would Toki kill the Akazaya? Or something about devil fruit. This makes no sense. And this information make Kaido to move again.

*Theory by mugiwaranoroger

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