
Failed Ancient Giants: The New Weapon of Vegapunk


In the latest chapter Big Mom reveals that the Numbers came from Punk Hazard and they are failures from experiments trying to recreate the Ancient Giant Race.


If the Numbers are failed Ancient Giant experiments that Caesar was working on for Kaido, he’d need to have a basis to study on. In Punk Hazard there were huge frozen figures in thick ice (similar to Oars), some with horns and such ultimately fitting the description of Ancient Giants.

So what if Punk Hazard used to be the home of the Ancient Giant race? Now the interesting part is that Punk Hazard used to be an abandoned Navy research facility so the Navy has been researching them, but for what purpose?


It was stated that the Navy wanted to have a means to create an army of Giants from normal people so why not Ancient Giants too? Now perhaps the ice was too thick making research difficult or other complications happened which led up to the abandonment of the project.


What I’m getting at is what if this project is the SSG? You’re thinking it’s been a discontinued project right? Well yes, it WAS. But something big was left behind making their research possible once again. The perfect test subject forgotten in the Paramount War, Little Oars Jr.

What does the project entail given that it’s power needs to equal that of all the Warlords combined? An army of Ancient Giants maybe? Unlikely given normal Gigantification hasn’t been accomplished yet but possible. I think that the SSG is going to be the ultimate super-soldier.

A wapometal cyber-genetically modified and brainwashed Oars (like what they did to Kuma). Now obviously this won’t be enough, but what if they were to give him a Devil Fruit as well; something unprecedented in the story?

Imagine Oars with Akainu, Ace, or Whitebeard’s fruit for example. Surely one attack would be enough to completely decimate an island. Now would this not then rival the power of the Ancient Weapons? The Navy might give him an even more formidable power than those.

The Aftermath of the Clash at Punk Hazard

Final Panel of Chapter 989: the meaning behind the positioning of the Straw Hats!