
How Can Luffy Defeat Kaido?


After reading the latest chapters, the gap between Luffy and the Yonko (specifically Kaido) seems to be a bit larger than what some people may have expected, especially after the expectations generated by Morgan’s flashy news article.


It’s impossible for Luffy to win, and even with help from Kid or Law, if none of them have a single attack, stronger than one of Luffy’s single attacks, they won’t scratch Kaido. What I mean is, it doesn’t matter if you are hit by one feather a thousand times or three feathers a thousand times, the outcome is the same. You will remain unharmed.


They need a damaging blow, and unless King Kong Gun can do some damage, Luffy does not currently posses the ability to damage Kaido, and even then, the best case scenario is that King Kong Gun does some damage, it won’t be a lot. I doubt Kid or Law has a stronger attack than King Kong Gun, so in conclusion, they will need to become stronger. But how?

·One solution is that Kaido would personally fight/beat them in the prison every day to break their spirits. This would slowly make them stronger. I like this, it would be cool to see how that would play out.


·Another solution is to not even defeat Kaido in a fight at all but be a bit more strategic and somehow poison or drown him or something like that. I don’t like that approach, it doesn’t seem like Luffy.

·I’ve seen some people joke about Luffy needing a hyperbolic time chamber to ever dream of beating Kaido in this arc, which is funny but maybe not entirely impossible. And that’s why I made this post!

Kozuki Toki is most likely dead but even if she is, her devil fruit has had 20 years to make its way to a new user.


Someone could use the Toki Toki no Mi to send Kaido (two weeks? a month? two months?) into the future, getting him out of the way for the alliance to save Wano from the evil Shogun Orochi as the prophecy was interpreted (The interpretation does not mention Kaido). This would still leave the Calamities and Orochi for the alliance to fight (and get stronger as a result) but it would remove the, appearantly impossible obstacle that is Kaido for later. Once he finally appears in their present, they would’ve had time to both save Wano and train enough to damage Kaido.

I’m not saying this will happen, option 1 is probably more likely, but how would you feel about this solution? How likely do you think it is? What other options are there for them to defeat Kaido?

*Theory by Hallager98

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