While many people are arguing about power level or saying the chapter is anticlimactic, can we take a minute to appreciate how tragically poetic this chapter is?

The chapter starts with the geishas playing shamisen, which seems like they are performing a tragic play on the theater. While the 10 samurai are walking to the warzone, Oda briefly described what happened around the country.

Yasu is going to Kuri from Hakumai at full speed. Toki trusts her hushand and takes care about the kids. However, all the cities of Wano with different weathers still looks usual and peaceful since the people did not know what is happening.

The middle part is certain traditional movie writing about historical war. The 10 samurai + Shinobu are rushing to the army of enemy, while there is a narration briefly describe what is happening. In such scene, detailed single fight is redundant and unnecessary but the main point is to show how large the scale of the enemy troop is, compared to the small numbers of the protagonists protecting the country.

At the same time, there is a parallel scene about wife is still waiting for husband while kids are still playing. This further increases the feeling of a tragic war. This warzone scene cannot be too long, otherwise the parallel of the Toki and Yasu scenes would look unimportant.

Finally, the end of the chapter complete the tragic falling of warriors. We have Shinobu walking around the capital but the citizen still do not know what happened before and keep humiliating Oden.

Yasuie sits in a terrible rainy day. Toki still have confident smile on her face while the kids make a paper balloon. Otsuru (tsuru literally mean crane) also make a paper crane. Both paper balloon and crane symbolize hope. However, these two also have meaning of carrying souls to paradise. Sarcastically, the ones they are waiting for are going to be executed.

*by kid_0909