
If the Straw Hats weren’t Pirates according to Oda


In an SBS question, a fan asked Oda what each crew member’s career of choice would be if they weren’t pirates, and he provided a response to the question made by another fan, seeing as they were suitable enough.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è strawhat_pirates_we_can_4_by_weissdrum-da7v8hw.jpg

D: If the Straw Hats weren’t pirates, what would their careers of choice end up being? Please tell us!! (Though I bet Sanji would still be a chef……)      from H.momo Age 9

Oda: Ok. So about this, I actually ended up finding the answer on a postcard from another fan. I found that the example professions listed to the side labeled “My Hobbies”. that P.N. SukeKiyo-san included along with your exact same question were spot on, so here they are.


I assume they really would turn out to be something like this.


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