My theory is that Garp and Sengoku are waiting for something in trying to change it from within. The World Government has a lot of dirt and if Roger knew, Garp and Sengoku definitely know things too. Things that have to see the light. This is why they took leadership positions but remained passive and derped around. This is why they stuck around after giving up their positions. This is why Sengoku held Garp down in Marineford and kept him from raising a stink (saving Akainu’s life in the process).

This is why Garp recruited Koby and Helmeppo and is helping them become INFLUENCIAL Marines.

As we recently discovered Koby is currently a member of the Marine Headquarters Top Secret Special Force led by X Drake. Their operations involve undercover missions to monitor Yonko activity. Koby and X Drake were shown contacting each other to brief on urgent developments.

They are not informed of World Government operations and their covert activities. We also know that they use code words to verify secure channels. I’m sure that SWORD is unknown even for the Gorosei.

This could be a hint for a future separation of some heavy members at Marine from World Goverment’s politic actions. Fans have speculated that also Sengoku, Garp and Aokiji might belong to this Secret Special Force. They eventually disagree with the system and how things are run. They don’t believe in Absolute Justice but Moral Justice.
*Theory by Majinma