Kaido didn’t dodge Zoro’s Hiryu Kaen Attack. Zoro just missed.

Zoro can’t control Enma and used too much Haki making an unnecessarily big strike, as Hitetsu already told us, thus missing the target.

Just like when he cut the coastline instead of a tree when he just got Enma. Kaido is the tree and the horn of Onigashima is the coastline, not that hard to understand.

If you are still not convinced I have more evidence:
- If Kaido moved Oda would have drawn it.
- Zoro said ” I missed” not “He dodged it”. Big difference.

- Kaido was in shock because he sensed Oden’s aura, he wasn’t even thinking about the attack.

- Kaido wants to be cut by someone just like Oden did once so why dodge.
- In Chapter 1001 Zoro used less power and didn’t scratch Kaido, now he used too much and missed him, logically he has to find the right balance, to damage him without missing and wasting Haki.

- If Kaido really thought he was in serious danger Oda would have made him say something about it.
- If Zoro is already capable of hurting Kaido this much than the fight will basically be over in like 5 chapters.
*by Lukerne