Big Mom
I think Big Mom somehow saved Kaido from captivity. This is the lifetime favour Kaido owes Linlin. She saved him from slavery.

Wano and Yamato
A few years later, Kaido and now his pirate crew the Beast Pirates took over Wano in Oden’s absence. This I believe is for two reasons.

Reason 1: For the weapons. Kaido made a deal with Orochi and took over Wano because he needs the weapons for his dream of starting the biggest war the world has ever seen. He could be thinking of waging a war against the World Government.

Reason 2: Yamato. I’m going to say it. I just think Kaido is being an overprotective dad. He doesn’t want Yamato to experience the outside world, because he knows firsthand the horrors that are present there. That’s why he puts those cuffs on her. That’s one of the reasons he picked Wano. No one comes in, no one goes out. Therefore there will be no danger for her.

But he isn’t used to being a caring and comforting father, all he’s knows since he was young was fights and struggles. So he hit her to make sure she doesn’t leave.
Think about it, Yamato is strong. She made Ulti faint with the Thunder Bagua. Why doesn’t Kaido have her as an official crew member? He has even Holdem as a Headliner. So why not his own daughter? He doesn’t want to lose her. He’s afraid of putting her in danger.

You could argue that she simply refused to be a part of his crew, but that doesn’t make sense considering the fact that he’s planning on making Yamato the Shogun of Wano. If she refused to join his crew, what makes Kaido think that she’ll accept to become Shogun?
Again Kaido is keeping her from leaving Wano.
Final Thoughts
Maybe sometime during the fight, Kaido’s robe/cape thingy will fall off, and we see his back and see a giant slave mark on his back.

Also it will be very interesting if Vegapunk makes an appearance in Wano, since he was the one who would’ve been in charge of the experiments done on Kaido.

That’s it. What do you think?
*Theory by letsgomina