
Kaido’s Character Analysis and Progression Over The Years


Still in this chapter, we have the revelation that Yamato mentioned the name of Joy Boy and that Oden had said that one day the borders would open for Joy Boy. At this point, Kaido tells King that he already knows who Joy Boy is… the one who would defeat him. Kaido believed King’s story as he was waiting for someone to change the world. As Kaido is the one who keeps the borders closed, only Joy Boy would defeat him, was the conclusion Kaido reached. Kaido believed in King, Oden and Yamato, maybe that’s why he is so depressed, because one day he would know he was going to be defeated no matter the circumstances.


In short, Kaido is a character who was born into war and is the one thing he’s done his whole life. He saw during his years the inequality between noble people and the poor, being arrested, sold, seeing the protection of the most rotten beings in the world. Something I didn’t mention is that Kaido talks a lot about betrayal between pirates, maybe that happened in the Rocks.


Kaido after seeing all these aspects, he only wanted one thing… a war that would involve the whole world, because that’s where we can truly judge people. It doesn’t matter if you are noble, poor, rich, whatever, on the battlefield everyone is equal. Kaido when he threw Luffy off the island said that he couldn’t be Joy Boy, because to be Joy Boy he has to defeat Kaido. Kaido asks at the end of the fight with Luffy which world he wants to create (King spoke from the beginning of the person who would bring the change of the world), to which Luffy answers a world where his friends can eat as much as they want. Kaido accepts Luffy as Joy Boy, both in the change Luffy intends for the world and in the defeat he took from him.


He represents a twisted Joy Boy, but he never wanted to be Joy Boy. Luffy brings smiles to people, Kaido forces smiles on them. Luffy brings freedom to people, Kaido takes it away. Luffy is going to change the world, Kaido tried. It’s just parallels that exist between them, just like there are parallels between Big Mom and Luffy.


It clearly remains to be seen what Kaido saw in God Valley (maybe why he wants a great death, no one remembers Rocks) and why Wano is so important to him (Oni background?).

*by rlt101010

Kuma’s Past & His Relationship with Queen Jewelry Bonney

What Happened to Kaido in the God Valley Incident!