
Kaido’s Devil Fruit Finally Revealed in Wano!


Kin’emon explains to the Straw Hats his plan to recruit those still loyal to the Kozuki Family in order to prepare for the raid on Onigashima in two weeks.


Zoro and Usopp have been tasked with looking for allies in the Flower Capital, while Franky is currently working for the architect of Kaido’s residence in order to obtain the blueprints for it, and Robin is training as a geisha in the hopes of gaining Orochi’s audience so she can spy on him and his men.

Brook will be tasked with acquiring food provisions from the capital, Sanji will use his culinary skills to draw in people to help search for allies, Nami will masquerade as a kunoichi, and Chopper and Carrot will go to Inuarashi’s location.


Kin’emon has the Straw Hats put leafs on their head, which he turns into disguises with his Fuku Fuku abilities. Kin’emon then summons the kunoichi Shinobu to train Nami in the art of bewitchment, and states that there are three samurai they particularly need to find, as each of them is worth a hundred men. They are Kawamatsu, Denjiro, and Ashura Doji, and Kin’emon believes that they should still be alive.


Meanwhile, Shutenmaru and the Atamayama Thieves plunder Okobore Town when they are confronted by Jack.

Shutenmaru and Jack quickly get into a fight, but are interrupted when Kaido flies in while in his dragon form, and Kaido tells Jack to bring Luffy to him immediately.

So Kaido appears to have eaten a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to turn into a Chinese dragon. In this form, he is capable of flight and dark clouds fill the sky upon his arrival.


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