
Kuma’s Past & His Relationship with Queen Jewelry Bonney


During Bonney’s introduction in Sabaody, she is said to have originated from the South Blue. We also know that she is part of the Sorbet Kingdom’s royal family, thanks to her appearance at this year’s Reverie. For these reasons, I believe that the Sorbet Kingdom is located in the South Blue. Sorbet is a frozen dessert, and the Southern Sea has cold connotations as well. This line of reasoning paints us a picture of the cold and possibly arctic climate of the island. Judging by Kuma’s name, which means bear in Japanese, he could possibly be a Sorbet Kingdom native, however the more important aspect of the winter island is that it is very difficult to grow food in frozen soil.


It isn’t impossible to think that the population of this winter kingdom has had problems feeding itself, especially when you account for the fact that they most likely had to pay the Heavenly Tribute in order to be allied with the World Government. Famines caused in this manner have already been demonstrated to be in the story, as was seen in chapter 763, during Doflamingo’s flashback.

I believe that Kuma fed the starving population of the Sorbet Kingdom using the gold that was meant to be used as payment to the Celestial Dragons, paralleling he who Kuma is based off. This idea is also supported by Bonney’s depiction as a child. Despite her royal lineage, she is wearing dirty clothes and eating with her hands while sitting on the floor. Just like the rest of the population she was starving and in dire conditions. Could the food she is shown to be eating be the food that Kuma provided with the Celestial Gold?


Kuma’s virtuous gesture of defiance in the face of the Celestial Dragons and the WG made him loved by the people of the Sorbet Kingdom. This lead him to becoming King. It is likely that much of the royal family, including the previous ruler starved to death to feed and protect Bonney. This backstory would also explain why Bonney loves food so much and her insatiable appetite, as well as her hatred for the World Government and Celestial Dragons.


We know that Kuma was also a high ranking commander of the Revolutionary Army. He was seen on a ship alongside the rest of the Revolutionaries when Dragon rescued Sabo, 12 years ago. We do not know when Kuma joined the Revolutionaries. Could he have been scouted like Sabo was? Either way, it seems that Kuma was part of the Revolutionary Army during his time as King of the Sorbet Kingdom, and probably some time before that too. This fits in well as we know that the whole idea of the Revolutionaries is to stand against the Celestial Dragons in order to help the common people, exactly like what we theorize Kuma did when he fed the starving population. Could this be what Sabo means when describes Kuma as kind and gentle in chapter 908?

We do not know exactly when Kuma became a Warlord or why he seemingly abandoned his Kingdom and left the Revolutionary Army. What we do know is that he agreed to be a guinea pig in Vega Punk’s human science experiment, allowing himself to be modified to become PX-0. This cyborgification was a slow process, where each body part was slowly replaced with machinery. Because of this fact we believe that Vega Punk started his work on Kuma right when he became a Warlord. But the question remains why did Kuma become one in the first place? And what lead him to sacrifice his mind and body?

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