
Latest Chapter shows how Kaido is apparently invincible!


Like no joke, Kaido is seemingly clean all of a sudden after getting bloodied just a few chapters ago.


In the same panel, Kyoshiro is even piercing Kaido but it no longer even seems to matter. Kaido seems to have a healing factor of some sort or just his durability is so high that even getting pierced clean by a Meito sword is the equivalent of a paper cut now.

Anyway, the implications of this are severe. If one person, the so-called “Monstrous Samurai” Kaido says will never exist again, hurts Kaido enough that he’s not just walking it off like he’s doing now, it would mean a single person is possibly stronger than all the Scabbards put together.


Like this single person has more destructive force than all 9 Scabbards, 4 of whom contest with Yonko Commanders before two of them got Sulong power amps.


And yes, this is a matter of destructive force now. The Scabbards have the Haki technique to hurt Kaido but that’s clearly not enough. They are lacking the power to make it stick.

So the question is, how strong the single person who will really hurt Kaido is going to be? I mean considering it’s very likely most of Scabbards are dealing Yonko Commander level If one person can do more damage than all of them combined, how strong would we consider this one person?

*by ImmaIvanoM

Kaido, Yamato and Black Maria are all the same Race

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