Luffy, Law and Kid as Roger, Whitebeard and Shiki?

I know people get up in arms about parallels being drawn with Roger, Garp, Whitebeard and Shiki’s relationship – but I seriously don’t see how this can go any other way. The respect that Luffy, Law and Kid had for each other was apparent since day 1 at Sabaody. Sure they bicker a lot, but that’s what rivals do.

The TRUST that these 3 have placed in each other over the course of the Wano war rings several levels higher – and the trust between Luffy and Law specifically flies in the face of all we’ve ever been told about any pirate alliance. From Law risking his life to save Luffy at Marineford, to being willing to die with Luffy at Dressrosa, to how he got in his feelings about not being trusted here in Wano… I find it hard to argue that he doesn’t legitimately care about him (we already know Luffy considers him a legit friend). I’d even go so far to venture that he didn’t want Luffy to know about him being captured in Wano, because he knew Luffy would move heaven and earth to bust him outta there.

I don’t think I need to go over how much Kid respects Luffy, but he and Law have always had the more volatile bickering. Despite that, Kid expressed great joy in learning that Law had a motive behind becoming a Shichibukai, and he was relieved to learn that their respective Yonko targets meant they would stay out of each other’s way. But once push came to shove against a Yonko their synergy was almost flawless, and their banter, despite how contentious it was, still highlighted a respect for each other’s strength.

Maybe they won’t all be BFFs, but I just can’t see any future competition between them being anything but friendly.

Law’s focus has already shifted to learning more about the Will of D. specifically, well have to see what Kid plans after this.

*by HanataSanchou