Marineford foreshadowed Bonney’s relationship with Kuma and Vegapunk
Bonney’s father is Bartholomew Kuma, the former king of Sorbet Kingdom turned Revolutionary then Warlord. Their relationship was a very positive and affectionate one, as Bonney remembered the love her father gave during her childhood, and she knows about Nika from him.

She became very outraged towards the World Government for turning her father into a cyborg, followed by enslaving and allowing him to suffer abuse at the hands of the World Nobles. This is further emphasized by the fact that she went to Vegapunk’s island base of Egghead to ask questions of him regarding Kuma‘s Pacifista transformation.

I was rereading the Paramount War this morning and came across two panels of Bonney that I found very interesting with the knowledge we have now.

Bonney is shown crying after the cameras are turned off at Marineford which was also right after the Pacifistas were unveiled.
After the war Bonney blames someone in the New World and says she’s going after them.

I know this isn’t the most groundbreaking discovery but I’ve never seen this mentioned and thought it was some neat foreshadowed for Egghead.
*by Environmental-Boss50