
Mihawk’s Bounty After Shichibukai’s Abolishment




One of the most important point of this estimation is that Mihawk doesn’t have a crew or any person under his command. It’s a feat in itself. He’s probably one of the most feared warrior around and yet, he’s cruising and shilling alone, on a remote island with stupid monkeys. Yet, while he’s famous and seems to be friend with dangerous individuals, like Shanks for example, he’s still only one person.

Roger, Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks not only have crews of powerful people, but they also have a big sphere of influence over the world through their connections and protectorates. They can send their minions to do their evil deeds, like rampage, claim territories and such. Mihawk is a famous figure around the world, he might have some few important connections, but his reach is still quite limited, making him de facto less dangerous than the above mentioned people.



Mihawk became a Shichibukai at some point. His status froze his bounty, like Crocodile and Hancock. We can’t certainly attest when he became part of the Seven Warlords, but we can guess. It was confirmed in his Vivre Card data that he became a Warlord sometime after Roger’s execution, 24 years ago.


Mihawk is around the same age as Shanks and was his rival at one point. Shanks lost his arm when he was 27 and became an Emperor 6 years ago, at the age of 33. I think it’s fair to assume Mihawk became a warlords right after Shanks lost his arm, out of the boredom of losing his main sword rival, while he was around 30, which let him plenty of time to build a solid reputation and a big bounty. Ace was 20 and had a 550,000,000 berries bounty. Luffy is even younger, with an even higher bounty. 30 is plenty enough to have a very high bounty. We also know for a fact that Mihawk was already famous before Roger got executed.

Now, we also know the Shichibukai bounties never surpassed 500 millions berries (480 millions being the highest one). Either Mihawk is an exception, being a legend and all, or his bounty is in the 500 millions range.


As a final point, the recent event of chapter 957 might play a big role in Mihawk’s bounty level. Mihawk bounty was frozen when he became a Shichibukai. Now that the Shichibukai are no more, Mihawk bounty will certainly be updated to his current level of danger. Oda made it clear he was ready to fight against the Marines trying to capture him.

Being who he is, he’ll probably succeed to defeat everyone sent after him, making him a fugitive again and a potential threat. He’s also much more experienced and probably stronger than he was when he became a Warlords. Other than that, his bounty will depend on what he’ll do in the future. Will he stay in his castle and wait for worthy opponents or will he decide to play a role in the future event and join a crew ? Will he negotiate a bounty-hunter status with the Government?


Estimation of Mihawk’s previous bounty : 650,000,000 Berries

Current updated bounty : around 1,500,000,000 Berries

*Theory by Debian47

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