The second interesting part about this paraphrase is that he mentions that for 300 years the “Vinsmokes” desired to go back to their homeland. What if this is not about the “North Blue” since we know that they conquered it some time ago meaning that was not theirs to begin with and in reality their homeland is on the “Red line“, hence to why Germa built the technology to be able to climb the “Red Wall”.

All of this goes to why Sanji has these fire powers while not his brothers and sister. Sanji was not modified so he could get Judge’s natural genes.

I think Judge didn’t react to Sanji’s flames during their fight in “Whole Cake” beacuse he was expecting it in some degree, since he knew that the genetic modification did not work on him. I wrote at the start of this theory that Judge probably did not have the talent to be able to awake his fire powers and he was considered a failure when he was young, but Sanji was able to do it and that hurt his pride, which made him stubborn to not admit his only natural born son’s strenght. Maybe that’s why once he got to see that Sanji was tapping into his dormant Lunarian powers a the last moment, when he recovered his consciousness after getting knocked out by Big Mom and when Sanji’s siblings came to rescue him and Luffy, between that time he probably modified the “Stealth Black” raidsuit to adjust it to his Lunarian genes. At the end of the day Judge is considered a genius, so It wouldn’t be weird in my eyes that in some hours he could do a last minute change on the raidsuit.

I think Judge started to respect Sanji in some degree once he saved him during the wedding and stood up against him inside Capone’s castle, and that’s why he decided to help him with a “heritage gift”, the raidsuit. I really do believe that Judge is a really interesting character with a lot of potential.

As a final note I would write that If Judge is really from this race It would explain why he’s a genius scientist, and why Germa is so advanced technologically. The races that lived on the moon shown during Enel’s cover story were technologically advanced too…

All of this could be only my wild imagination, but I thought It would be fun to share this with you.
*Theory by Zorojuro188